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API - actionsCreator


import {actionsCreator} from "redux-cool"// or CommonJSconst {actionsCreator} = require("redux-cool")

actionsCreator.ANY.ACTION.TYPE([arg1], [arg2], ..., [callback])#

actionsCreator is an action producer, with which we can create any action object in dynamic and inline ways. We can apply actionsCreator with the combination of any properties and call as a function and receive the action. We can pass the callback function as the last argument. actionsCreator will check and if the last argument is a function, it will be considered as a callback function.


const first_action = actionsCreator.MY.FIRST.ACTION("arg1", "arg2")//      {//          type: "MY/FIRST/ACTION",//          args: ["arg1", "arg2"],//          cb: f() identity,//          _index: 1//      } 
const my_callback = () => {    console.log("Hello, I am callback!!!")}
const callbackable_action = actionsCreator.CALLBACKABLE.EXAMPLE(1, 2, 3, my_callback)//      {//          type: "CALLBACKABLE/EXAMPLE",//          args: [1, 2, 3],//          cb: f() my_callback,//          _index: 1//      }

Return value:

action <Object>

  • type <String> action type as a string
  • args <Array> any array that contains all the data needed for the action
  • cb <Function> callback function by default is the identity function (x => x)
  • _index <Integer> positive integer number (1, 2, 3, ...)․ It is created automatically and shows action order by index. It can be used as a unique identifier or help understand which action was created earlier(in rare cases, it may be necessary)

actionsCreator without function call#


If we just need to generate an action type as a string, we can do it easily.


const type1 = String(actionsCreator.MY.ACTION.TYPE)//      "MY/ACTION/TYPE"
//      or any string conversionconst type2 = actionsCreator.I.LOVE.YOU + ""console.log(type2)//      "I/LOVE/YOU"